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Kicking Off 2024-25!
1.  Training – We have our IUCPTA Fall Training this Friday, August 23rd. The Financial Training is scheduled from 9am-12pm. We will start with Financial Secretary first then jump right into Treasurer and end with Financial Reviewer. If you haven’t registered yet, please do so with the following link. Come early and visit the various vendors at the vendor fair! We look forward to seeing you there!
Click here for more information and REGISTER!
2.  2023-2024 Financial Reports – These reports are to be presented at your first Executive Meeting and then your first Association Meeting.
a.  Treasurer’s report dated from the last meeting in May/June to June 30, 2024. This will wrap up last year’s financials.
b.  Annual Budget to Actual report dated July 1, 2023 to June 30, 2024. This reflects all income and expenses for the entire year.
c.  2024-2025 Budget. Adopt your budget at your first meetings and release funds to allow payment of expenditures.
Once the Annual Budget to Actual (b) and Budget (c) reports have been presented to your Exec Board and Association, please email them to me to be uploaded into our myPTez files. This is a very important task.
d.  Treasurer’s report dated July 1, 2024 to your first Executive Board meeting.
e.  Budget to Actual report dated July 1, 2024 to your first Executive Board meeting.
I know it seems like a lot to present (which it is), but it must be done. The other months will be just 1 set of reports. 😊

3.  Treasurer Group Chat – I have created a Treasurer group chat on Signal for ease of communication. To join, download the Signal App and join with this link or scan the following QR code. This chat is for questions/comments that may arise throughout the year. You can always text me separately anytime.

4.  Conflict/Whistleblower Forms – Please have all members of your board and officers to fill out the Conflict/Whistleblower form. It’s also a good idea to have your chairs fill out the form. These forms are to be kept in the Treasurer’s binder. Attached is the form for your reference.
5.  IUCPTA Annual Assessment – Please include your Annual assessment of $60 to IUCPTA with your first membership remittance in September. Membership dues are to be remitted to Council on or before each monthly President’s meeting. Please coordinate with your VP Membership for an accurate number of membership dues each month and coordinate with your President to sign the check and bring it to their meeting, mail, or intra-district mail it to IUCPTA. Attached is the remittance form for your reference.
6.  Year End Financial Review – The Treasurer’s binder from January-June 2024 should be ready to be reviewed. Please coordinate with the appropriate members to ensure the financial records are forwarded to your Financial Reviewer for the period of January 1 to June 30, 2024.
7.  Taxes – Deadline is November 15, 2024
Forms to file are:  990, 199, and RRF-1 (along with CT-TR-1 if income is less than $50,000). If you’re seeking a tax firm to file your taxes, now’s a good time to inquire and secure a firm. It’s a good idea to file taxes after your Financial Review has been completed to ensure accuracy of your income/expenses.
8.  PTA Insurance – Due December 20, 2024
AIM Insurance will send an email later in the fall with insurance payment information. Unit premium has increased slightly this year to $288. Please budget accordingly. There is a late fee of $25 if payment is received after December 20th. If your unit is very active on social media, consider the additional media coverage for protection. Discuss it with your Executive Board at your next meeting if that’s something your PTA/PTSA would like to add.
9.  Raffles – If your PTA plans to host a raffle, your unit is required by the State of California to fill out forms CT-NRP-1 and CT-NRP-2. The CT-NRP-1 form must be filled out 60 days prior to your raffle. Consider an opportunity drawing in place of a raffle. Opportunity drawings and Silent Auctions do not require filing these forms. Click here for more information and the forms.
10.  myPTez – Questions regarding myPTez? Click here for webinar recordings and a slide presentation. I’m happy to assist with any myPTez questions.
Do's & Don'ts Reminders

As Treasurer, you often need to remind your exec board and association of what is allowable per IRS rules and guidelines. Take a moment during your first meeting the year to remind them of the following:


  • If gift cards/certificates are something you’re seeking, ask them to be donated
  • Have 2 check signers for every check issued
  • Use a Fiduciary Agreement when gifting/granting money to school
  • Ask for original receipts for reimbursements
  • Follow the 5% rule for hospitality including Staff Appreciation and keep hospitality expenses 5% or lower than your total annual expenses
  • Communicate a set time period (usually 90days) in which all reimbursement checks should be cashed otherwise funds return to PTA general fund


  • Do not PURCHASE gift cards/certificates with PTA funds
  • Do not purchase PERSONAL GIFTS with PTA funds for teachers, staff, students, families or PTA Board
  • Do not encumber future boards with finances or contracts
  • Do not sign a contract on your own. All contracts must be approved by the association and signed by 2 elected officers -one being the President
Financial Forms & Websites

Our Council Annual Assessment is $60 this year. Please note this in your budget as well and include your Annual Assessment, payable to Irvine Unified PTA, with your first remittance. Additionally, your membership dues are due to Council before or on the date of each monthly council meeting. Please coordinate with your President and VP Membership for accurate and timely remittances.


Kick-off – What we need from all units at start of new year!

Please email to council treasurer your 2022-2023 Annual Financial Report and your 2023-2024 Budget Report once they have been presented and your budget has been approved and adopted at your Executive and Association meetings. We will upload them to myPTez. Your President may also upload them into myPTez.

Planning a Raffle?

If your PTA plans to host a raffle, your unit is required by the state of California to fill out forms CT-NRP-1 and CT-NRP-2. CT-NRP-1 must be filled out 60 days prior to your raffle. It might be wise to file one even if your PTA is unsure of holding a raffle or not.  Please consider an opportunity drawing (not selling a chance to win something) in place of a raffle. Remember, in no instance are you allowed to sell and distribute raffle tickets online.

Registry of Charitable Trusts Link

Tax Forms

The tax filing deadline is November 15, 2023. Forms to file are: 990, 199, and RRF-1 (along with CT-TR-1 if your income is $50,000 or less). More information will be emailed once we get closer to the date.

Workers’ Comp Info


    Your unit insurance premium for 2023-2024 is $282. Please make a note and reflect this in your budget. You will receive an email from AIM in the fall with a link to their payment site. Confirm with your unit president that your treasurer email is updated in myPTEZ.

    *required for ALL PTA members – include in your welcome packets or online forms

    Tools & Resources

    CaPTA Toolkit has now been replaced with the NEW CaPTA Leaders Website, so please register a login and access that for all your PTA procedures and questions about everything PTA!



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